Check out the buns waiting for adoption!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Hello, Fellow Bunny Lovers!

Because of your generous support, we continue our mission to rescue rabbits in need along with educating the public on proper house rabbit care. However, the depressed economy has hit our shelter very hard on several different fronts. We are very fortunate to have survived the recession due, in no small part, to your continued financial support. Understandably, donations have decreased, while at the same time more rabbits are in need of rescue. An alarming trend, of late, finds many rabbits being abandoned in the wild left to try to fend for themselves or left behind in a home or backyard hutch when their owners move. We recently participated in a very serious rescue effort involving more than 200 neglected rabbits from a "rescue" in MD. While we could only accept 14 of those rabbits, almost all of them required extensive medical intervention just to help them survive and rehabilitate in order to ready them for adoption. And, in just a few short months, we received 5 moms with their newborn babies. This, along with an across the board increase in rent, utilities, supplies (food, hay, litter, etc.) and medical expenses have rendered our bank account dangerously low. As we attempt to find new ways to raise income to support our mission, we find it necessary at this point, to send out a plea to our supporters, friends and adopters for help. Please consider sending a tax-deductible donation in any amount to assist us in our efforts on behalf of our rabbits. Please know that no donation is too small or that would not have a positive impact towards our financial situation. For example, a $10.00 donation will provide hay to feed our shelter bunnies for one week; $25.00 could supply an entire week's worth of pellets or almost a full week of veggies. Each and every donation matters and will be of great benefit to the bunnies!

Donations will gratefully be accepted through our Paypal button which can be found on our website ( or our blog, Good Hare Day ( Donations may also be mailed directly to our shelter at:

SEPA-DE House Rabbit Society
478 E. Ayre St.
Newport, DE 19804-2513

Checking with your employer to see if they offer matching funds will double the impact of your donation! Many employers also offer direct payroll deduction for charitable donations.

A donation acknowledgement and receipt will happily be provided!

We would also like to take this opportunity to remind everyone of our Annual Pictures With Santa, which will be held on Sunday, December 8, 2013, from Noon-3:00pm. Santa Claus has made time in his busy schedule to take pictures with your bunny! A second, non-Holiday, theme will also be available. There will be raffles and our popular Santa Sacks for sale. Our L.L. Bun store will be fully-stocked with bunny essentials, as well as Oxbow and Busy Bunny items. Complimentary refreshments will be available along with free nail trims for your bunny. We always enjoy visiting with our alumni & their families, so please consider joining us for this annual event! (Please email Joyce at for directions or if you have any questions).

Volunteers are always needed to help clean and feed our shelter bunnies, especially on Saturdays. For volunteer information, please contact Rachael Danton ( and she will be happy to assist you with questions or scheduling.

As 2013 winds down and we look forward to the beginning of a New Year, please remember to check our website and our blog for shelter news and new fundraisers. Your continued, generous support is vital to the future of our rescue efforts and we cannot do this without your help! Thank you!

As Always, With Deep Appreciation & Binkies,

The Bunnies of HRS and their Volunteers!

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