Check out the buns waiting for adoption!

Volunteer Information

The heart of the SEPA-DE House Rabbit Society is its volunteers. Every week, several volunteers help make the shelter a better place through work crews at the shelter or working on other activities for the shelter. But more volunteers are needed to help with activities so we can assist those bunnies at the shelter and hundreds more. We are looking for volunteers to...

Assist with Work Crews: Work with dedicated teams who clean the shelter and its habitants cages. Requirements are to not mind getting dirty on a Saturday and to graciously accept affection from the bunnies!

Other Talents Welcomed: Do you have a talent that could benefit the shelter? Let us know!

If you are interested, please contact the shelter at 302-683-9009.   Remember you can make a difference in the life of a bunny by volunteering

The Bunnies Need YOU!
Can you spare a little time to help a buuny down on his luck?