Hello to everyone at the SEPA-DE House Rabbit Society!
I wanted to give all the volunteers an overdue update on Skylar. Since I adopted her last August, Sky, as I usually call her, has settled in very well.
She quickly asserted herself as the head of the house - as soon as I bunny-proofed as much of the apartment as I could and let her explore, she set about claiming all of my stuff as hers...the couch was the first place she claimed, followed by my bed as soon as she was able to jump up onto it. She is quite the jumper - the top of my bed is a little under three feet tall, but she can hop up and off it without trouble! Most mornings after I let her out of her pen, she jumps up to join me in bed to nudge me out to feed her. Sometimes she will let me pet her while I'm in "her" nest, and she'll close her eyes and occasionally flop over to let me know how much she enjoys the attention.
My boyfriend is her favorite person - she loves it when he comes over, and binkies when he plays with and pets her.
Sky tolerates my clipping her nails and brushing her coat - a bit of carrot or a homemade bunny biscuit quickly makes sure I'm back in her good graces. The biscuit recipe I got off of the main HRS website - just some ground bunny pellets, ground oats, pureed carrot, and a bit of honey, then the mixture is rolled out and baked 'til it's firm. Sky absolutely loves them!
I hope that many more bunnies are able to find good homes from your shelter. I know they will make people as happy as Sky makes me!

It is good to see Babs happy, in her litter box that she uses like a bed- here she is in her new home:
I just wanted to let you all know that Babs is doing well. Although she is still a little standoffish, she will let me scratch her head without batting at me! I know it will take some time to earn her trust. She is a very good girl when she is roaming around the house. She really likes the dining room area and hides out under the chairs, which is exactly where my other rabbit used to hang out.
Here is an update on The Fonz:
After a very short time we now have a very spoiled bunnie. As you can see he is getting and loving all the attention he can get. He is chattering his teeth on occasion when he is playing on the bed. He has head butted John when he would stop petting him, and will just crawl all over John and Aubrie when they are just letting him roam.
He is spending on average of 3-5 hours at a time out of his cage just roaming the room. He has not yet had an accident and will bounce into his cage, eat and use his litter box and then just jump out and continue his roaming.
He so far has been exposed to Romaine lettuce, fresh carrot tops, grapes, strawberry tops. Grapes and strawberries are not on his "like" list!
Here is an update on Beasley, now names Tundra:
Tundra's doing really well. His fur is beautiful now and he's been eating
regularly for the past few weeks. He seems to be completely settled in his
home finally. He's also turned into quite the little climber! His new
favorite activity is to jump on top of Coco's cage and stretch out while
grooming every inch of her towel while she stretches out in her bed inside
her cage
And here is a picture of Finly
And an update on Whinney
In celebration of Independence Day, we decided to give Whinney some freedom today. She has progressed amazing this week- she takes craisins from Holly, she allows us all to walk up to her to pet her, and she isn’t jumpy when we are around or when she hears normal everyday house noises. She likes when Holly reads to her and she allows us to sit in her pen with her and she walks around us, nudging us out of her way. She only uses her box, doesn’t go anywhere else.
We opened her pen and she immediately began to explore- she sniffed every corner of the two carpeted rooms, did some binky jumps, sped from one room to another with some kicks thrown in, and took a long afternoon nap in the corner.
Sunday is Easter! Turns out, it is also the boys' (Binx and Drako, AKA: Hanson and Mack) 1 year anniversary since we adopted them!! I thought it would be a good time to email you and let you know that they are doing wonderfully. They are anxiously awaiting an Easter basket full of goodies for them to play with!
They are certainly not the same little boys that we brought home a year ago. They have come out of their shells so much more than I ever could have expected. It's hard to believe they are the same bunnies. Binx craves pets every day. A couple weeks ago, I almost fell over because Drako seemed to be asking for pets too. It was surprising because, while Drako enjoys my company, he never really wanted to be pet. Sure enough, that was what he wanted, and he was in heaven. I guess he took notice of how much Binx enjoyed it, and figured he'd give it a try as well. Now, Drako regularly allows me to pet him.
The boys are happy as can be every day when they come out in their playpen/den attached to our bedroom. They get about 5 hours every day where they can go in and out of their condo as they please and practice their binkies. For Christmas, they got a maze from binkybunny and they both go absolutely nutso as soon as I set it up. They also have a tunnel that they love to chase each other through
Caleb gets a best friend, Mom, Dad and home!
It’s a lot of fun going to the shelter every month but so easy to fall in love with some of the bunnies and want to take them home. I fell in love with a little boy named Caleb. My husband Jim said no – that four was enough. I was sad but understood since we had just adopted Honey & Jake in October and also have Maggie & Kringle (2 senior/special needs bunnies). Well I guess the universe had other plans -- haha! Less than a week after discussing it, there was a white bunny with pink eyes in our yard. We were able to catch him and brought him in. No one claimed him and actually that was good because we liked him instantly of course J. We brought him to the vet to get checked out and a couple months later we had him neutered. We named him Lucky because he was very lucky to have survived outside without any harm coming to him. So Jim says “looks like we can get Caleb” and gave me a look like I somehow planned it! Haha! Interesting how life works out. J They bonded really quick and are the best of friends! They make us laugh so much always running around and playing. So now we have six! Hmmm….. there was a show called “Eight is Enough”……. Hehe…….
Tudi wanted to say "hi" to all the humans that took care of her. She is adjusting well to her new home. She was a little shy at first but now will often come to the front of the cage where she loves to lay while you pet her. She'll hop out of her cage for a brief look around and then go right back in to rest. I'm not sure if she's still warming up to us or just really lazy. She is doing a great job using her litterbox and loves her romaine lettuce. Still has an attitude when I go to feed her but will let us pet her for hours once she has a full belly. The kids are enjoying reading to her which I think she enjoys. Thank you for introducing us.
I wanted to update you on Gracie, the rabbit we adopted 1/7/12. We're REALLY enjoying her! She is an official house bunny-she's got free range of the whole first floor. It took her a little while to get used to the hardwood and tile floor. She's been doing binkies and bunny 500s! She is a lot of fun to watch. My 6 year old daughter has become a pro at scooping her up.
Hello! Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Livingston and I moved
in with Reilly, Cathy and Clay last Friday, 2/3.

I’d been living at the shelter for almost a year, and was about a year old when I arrived. Clay took a liking to me and made sure I had a nice cage with a fine view.
Before the shelter, I was passed from one family to nother. The first family couldn’t afford me; I’m a big boy and do like to eat. My time with the second family
was short lived and ended with their divorce. At least I was lucky enough to find my way to the shelter – I don’t want to think of some of the other ways things
could have turned out. Thanks to everyone at the shelter for taking such good care of me.
I was introduced to Reilly at the shelter on a Tuesday afternoon. She
was sad and lonely and in need of a companion. The loss of her friend
Zeta had hit her hard. I tried to be on my best behavior, but I couldn’t help
myself and had to flirt a little. She’s so sweet!
I was surprised to find myself in her house just a few days later. My new
home! I am having a ball running and binkying all over the place, and getting kisses. I’m a lucky bun!
was sad and lonely and in need of a companion. The loss of her friend
Zeta had hit her hard. I tried to be on my best behavior, but I couldn’t help
myself and had to flirt a little. She’s so sweet!
I was surprised to find myself in her house just a few days later. My new
home! I am having a ball running and binkying all over the place, and getting kisses. I’m a lucky bun!
Cinderella and her new friend Houdini:
"It has been almost a year since Cinderella came home. She is such a sweet little girl and I think she is very happy. I saw her really binky for the first time over the weekend! It took her a while to really believe that she was home forever and to gain confidence. Bonding her with Houdini was the best move ever and both pairs are starting to play together."
We love to get letters like this!
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